1. Those who manufacture with a GMP certified factory can prove it by using VeriGMP on their bottles and product pages.
2. Those who manufacture with a GMP certified factory and can’t prove it because they use unverifiable GMP trust icons.
3. Those that don’t manufacture in a GMP facility and don’t sell on Amazon (now Amazon will be requiring GMP certification)
4. Those that have been fooled by GMP certifications from NSF because they issue identical certs for manufacturers, warehouse, and distributors! Follow info below to check type of GMP cert.
Brand owner who cares enough about quality and safety to have their products manufactured in a factory certified by Underwriter Laboratories (UL) or NSF can’t ever talk about it on their website or anywhere else! We have now fixed that. Get your products verified by VeriGMP and subsequently listed on VeriGMP.com – once that is done you can most likely use a trust icon like the one below on your Amazon company description/website (confirm with your attorney because it may depend on what other claims you are making). You can also use the VeriGMP icon by itself on your product labels and product listings.
Click Plus (+) sign next to “Retail Certification Program (RCP)”
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Don’t rely on PDFs of GMP certifications from NSF!
We don’t send PDFs of GMP certifications anymore because we don’t want our customers to get into the habit of relying on them in general. If we send PDFs, our customers may rely on PDFs from our competitors which in many cases are misleading.
GMP certifications from NSF don’t tell the whole story. This is because NSF issues the same PDF document for 3 different types of companies:
GMP certifications for a Distribution Facility
GMP certifications for a Warehouse Facility
GMP certifications for a Manufacturing Facility
The ONLY way to see the difference is to go online and look above the 2nd listing of the company name (see directions on image attached and below). There it’s stated if the certification is for one of the above three types of companies.
Of course, you want your CMO to hold a GMP certification for a Manufacturing Facility.
The fact that NSF does not put this on their PDFs has caused lots of confusion and has caused many manufacturers to only hold a GMP certification for a Warehouse Facility and then claim Manufacturing certification.
This is of course something we at PureNSM don’t like and it’s therefore we have stopped sending out PDFs and have chosen not to renew our NSF certification.